I just want to say I'm sorry to everyone I've scouted, all 57 of you. You guys deserved to be scouted, and I feel that I've let you all down. Forgiveness is a hard thing to ask of you guys, and I feel as though I don't deserve it because it was all my fault for what happened.
I don't deserve to be scouted...
Dec 2
Apparently, I can't even be scouted anymore in the art portal. I've heard that this was a mistake and that it's currently undo-able, awesome XD
Dec 5
Well, I've pretty much figured out who'd unscouted me. I won't release any names because I don't want anyone getting pissed at them for me, as I will not be attacking this person myself. It is what it is and everyone just has to accept that.
Well, now I've just found out that all my pieces were changed to sketches, and not included in the art portal. So I set them back to pieces, and now they can be voted on, but I'm still unscouted. This is some trippy shit here, I'm like in art portal limbo.
I tried submitting a new piece. On that piece it says "This user has been banned". This is really fucking trippy shit.
Its ok i dont mind i'll get scouted again someday thx 4 helping me get my art in the portal even if it was 4 a lil while i enjoyed it
No problem man. I hope everyone else is as understanding as you.