Voice Acting Quick Links
Rorschach Joke
Voice Demo
Castlevania Bloody Tears Rap
The Metaphoric Art Forum Story
Repercussions of Evil
Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans
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As most of you know, I acquired a headset back in the end of 2009. Many of you have probably seen me wearing it in Stickam and showing off it's awesomeness. And most of you who have been in Stickam know that I yell and curse and do different voices while I'm on.
And that's the key thing, the voices.
I did a small test with voice acting back in 2009, but I was only recording with the microphone that came built into my laptop, and I recorded using the Windows Sound Recorder program. Not exactly the best tools to use. So, once I got my headset, I decided to try a bit of actual voice acting. I also now use Audacity for my recordings, a great program for things such as this. So here's my proper voice acting profile to date (using Audacity and my headset).
First up, was Rorschach Joke. I had just watched Watchmen, and I wanted to try out my hand at Rorschach's voice. I think it turned out alright, nothing special, but the Harry Potter music in the background was amusing.
Next was a Voice Demo. Shudder, this turned out pretty badly. I pretty much winged the entire thing, coming up with voices and dialogue as I went. It was a rather stupid thing to do and I fell flat because of it. I'm hoping to do a much better voice demo in the future with organization beforehand.
Then came the Castlevania Bloody Tears Rap. This wasn't much in the way of voice acting, although I did do a different voice for Dracula. I'm rather pleased with how this turned out, as it was recorded in one take and there has been some great feedback to it.
Lastly was The Metaphoric Art Forum Story. This was a remake of the Metaphoric Art Forum Story which I had recorded back in August. The script was taken from a massive story post that was written by SirNightOwl. I am very, very happy with the way this recording turned out. With some stimulating background music, this was also recorded in one take, and is my longest voice acting piece, clocking in at 5min 21sec. The response has been great for this, and I really love all you guys who took the time to leave me a review.
So, that's my voice acting portfolio. Feel free to leave a review on anything or everything. If you actually like my work, feel free to leave a comment on my page. If you like it enough that you would consider using me for voice acting in a project, drop me a PM.
I just recorded a new piece. This one is the popular meme Repercussions of Evil. I came across this while reading horribly hilarious fan-fiction in Stickam, and the gang suggested that I do a recording of this story. So, I did, and using music from the movie Aliens (which I just watched last night), I think I set the tone for the story down pretty well.
Decided to pay tribute to one of my favourite Dragonball Z characters, Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans. He has a very interesting voice, somewhat deep, yet proper with correct pronunciation. I had a bit of trouble getting the voice down at first. I had the proper accent, but it needed to be deeper. It's almost like a British voice, but a little more rough.