So Christmas has come, and this year I got an 80gb ipod.
I never really felt the need to have an ipod before, but now since I'm in my last year of high school, and next year I'm off to residence, I figured that now would be the time to get one.
I would like to thank Newgrounds for their "Downloadable" content section. I have downloaded "Metal Gear Awesome", "Pico's Unloaded" and "Salad Fingers" 1 through 7, and they are all now on my ipod. I just hope that they expand the section so that more great movies can be more readily accessed.
Also, I would like to thank the Audio Portal for all of the great music that is produced there. I'm a big video gamer so I have been downloading a lot off of the video game music section in the audio portal. The music is great and I will continue to download more and upload it to my icon.
So all in all, thanks Newgrounds.
You're welcome.