Brilliant as always
I remember Fernando, that crack head.
Great stuff, can't wait to see what happens next.
Brilliant as always
I remember Fernando, that crack head.
Great stuff, can't wait to see what happens next.
someone who remembers Fernando yay!
"What kind of piece of ass establishment is this"
That pretty much sums up this flash.
The animation needs a lot, and I mean A LOT of work. The graphics are really sloppy and messy, and there was very minimal actual animation. Especially the abuse of the shape tweens during the credits.
The story was really boring and uninspiring. What's with the plot? Their voices were stolen? How were they stolen? Why were they stolen? Why is there a scribble with what's supposed to be a face of Kermit the Frog? EXPLAIN MOVIE, EXPLAIN!!!!!
The humor was non-existent. I don't know if you were trying to be funny or not, but it wasn't funny at all, so if you were trying to be funny, you need to put a lot more work into your jokes.
Overall, this needs a hell of a lot of work. Don't just slap something together and expect it to be brilliant. Flash takes time and effort. I don't know how much of either you put into this, but it definitely needs more of both.
Listen, I'm under heavy stress and my computer heats up too much. I also have a cruddy vocal thing
Another excellent piece
I always like to see what you come out with, and you never seem to disappoint.
Good visuals, nice action, great vocals, hilarious dialogue.
Always a pleasure to watch your animations.
thanks big jonny!
Wow great movie
Clean animation, great music selection and fun story.
I always thought you became Santa if you pushed the old one off a roof. But having the old Santa give you the gift of becoming Santa makes much more sense.
Brilliant work here.
Needs A LOT of work
The graphics were extremely basic and messy.
The animation was just as basic.
The sound was almost non-existent.
There was no humor at all.
The plot was really boring.
Overall, this needs a lot of work.
Practice, practice, practice!
Critism will get you no where because of stress I'm having
Hahahaha, brilliant
I thought that was absolutely hilarious.
Any chance you might make an actual flash of the flash the guy is working on?
I'd love to see that in full glory :D
thanks man
Holy Crap
After watching that movie I'm totally tripping balls man
very nice
Woah dude! My hands!! They can touch anything but themselves...
Down . Down-Right . Right . Punch
I am the Eggman, thats who I am
That was an amzing flash
and the fact that you drew all those characters, thats craptatically awesome
btw, where did u get that song from? its cool and i wanna get it"
Thanks for the review; go through the link to get the track, just right click and "save as" you have to put the http thing before it though!
that was pretty good
It wasnt that bad a flash
I was dyin when he read that email with the random letters, pretty funny
well, good thing I got my phoenix down with me :)
Art forum ninja and general voice actor.
Age 34
Joined on 7/7/04